Have group therapies on regular basis then individual sessions for personal growth and behavior change. Spiritual nourishment for values and morals to guide all sessions.

  1. Have therapy activities geared towards self- awareness, behavior change and development of healthy attitudes.
  2. Individual assessments regularly to ascertain growth and check out areas of concern so that they are worked on.
  3. Prepare exit reports at the end of the programs to help in re-integration of the youth into society when their terms at the corrective centers are done with.

At exit time, we can have a few sessions with parents and guardians of these youth to help them understand what has been taking place in the programs and at the corrective centers so that they can know what to do as the youth get back into society.

For those going back to schools or colleges, special reports can be done by the lead counselor and sent to these institutions for the same purpose.

In this way, we can help alleviate stigma associated with corrective centers and broker acceptance for these youth for a better society.

For all staff working in these centers, a knowledge of ‘Basic Counseling skills and procedures is quite necessary for better handling of inmates.